Isotopeia:Export save format
The export save feature is a way to migrate saves from one device to another, and was introduced in v1.5.0.
The save string is encoded in base-64 and formatted in JSON to discourage people from just editing in currencies or buildings.
In the JSON, there are several different objects encoded in an array. Assume that each item here is in order of appearance, but to clarify, the order is:
0: ucc
is the codename for "UnClickables Counter" which is a misnomer stemming from unclickable currencies in v1.0.0-v1.4.1.
The contents of ucc
consist of an array of 3 float
s: elncn
, elnncn
, and upcn
, corresponding to electrons, electron neutrinos, and up quarks respectively.
1: upg
is a deprecated and unused part of the string. It consists of 2 empty strings and the deprecated tosave
2: []
Element 2 is just an empty array, and is completely unused.
3: prestige
Element 3 (prestige
) just stores the number of positrons owned by the user.
4: counts
Element 4 (counts
) stores a more complex object consisting of building IDs and the number of those buildings owned.
5: verboseLogging
Element 5 (verboseLogging
) stores a boolean determining if you want more detailed logging in the console or not. Currently there is no way to change this without entering the console itself.
6: pc
is the codename for "Per Click" which corresponds to each currency's gain per click.
consists of an array with 3 elements, them being elnpc
, elnnpc
, and uppc
, which corresponds to electron per click, electron neutrino per click, and up quark per click respectively.