Isotopeia:Electron neutrino

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Electron neutrinos (symbolized as elnn, en, Ve, or [math]\displaystyle{ V_e }[/math]) are the 1st of the three currencies in Isotopeia.

In prestige[edit]

Each [math]\displaystyle{ 1.5\cdot10^{21} }[/math] electron neutrinos contributes 1 positron to the prestige counter.

In the source code[edit]

The electron neutrino counter is a variable written as elnncn, and is stored in localStorage as JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ucc"))[1].

To increment the counter by your [math]\displaystyle{ V_e / c }[/math] (electron neutrinos per click), use electronn(elnpc), which increments the ELECTRON Neutrinos by the ELectroN Neutrinos Per Click.

The (hopefully accurate) counter of [math]\displaystyle{ V_e / s }[/math] (electron neutrinos per second) can be found in the variable elnps and recalculated using updatePerSecond().


The class-ified implementation of electron buildings can be found under the name BuildingEN in buildinglib.js. The constructor contains 5 positional arguments:

  • price: the price of the building,
  • name: the display name of the building (shown to the user),
  • ps: the per-second gain of the building with 0 positrons,
  • rspot: the index of the building, which is auto-defined in jtopia.js.


The following list contains all of the methods contained and implemented in BuildingEN.

int count[edit]

The number of buildings owned globally by the player.

int initPrice[edit]

The starting price of the building, unaffected by any number of the building.

str name[edit]

The display name of the building that is shown to the player in places like the button name for purchasing the buildin g

str id[edit]

The camelCase-named identifier for the building. This ID should avoid abbreviating unless the building's name is subjectively "too long."

double ps[edit]

The amount this building provides per second, unbuffed by positrons.


The following list contains all of the methods implemented in BuildingEN.

void .buy(int n = 1)[edit]

Purchases the amount n (by default, 1) of an electron neutrino building, if you have the required electorn neutrinos.

void .interval()[edit]

Starts an interval to gain electron neutrinos per second. This is added to the intervals variable so that it can be cleared later.

void .buildUI(bool isModded = false)[edit]

Constructs the UI/purchase menu for this building. Note that isModded is not needed and should always be unset or false, but this is by default false.

void .refreshCount()[edit]

Refreshes this building's internal count for how many there are of this building. This affects the price calculated via an recursive function defined as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ p_{n+1} = \left \lfloor 1.25p_n \right \rfloor }[/math]

...where [math]\displaystyle{ p_{n+1} }[/math] is defined as the new price for this building after [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] buildings, [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] as the current number of buildings owned, [math]\displaystyle{ p_n }[/math] as the previous building price. [math]\displaystyle{ p_0 }[/math] is also defined as the initial price of the building, as this.price in code.

void .refreshIntervals()[edit]

refreshIntervals simply starts this.count intervals after refreshing the count using .refreshCount(). Note that this method does not restart current intervals, but instead starts new ones.