Isotopeia:Electron neutrino

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Electron neutrinos (symbolized as elnn, en, Ve, or [math]\displaystyle{ V_e }[/math]) are the 1st of the three currencies in Isotopeia.

In prestige

Each [math]\displaystyle{ 1.5\cdot10^{21} }[/math] electron neutrinos contributes 1 positron to the prestige counter.

In the source code

The electron neutrino counter is a variable written as elnncn, and is stored in localStorage as JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("ucc"))[1].

To increment the counter by your [math]\displaystyle{ V_e / c }[/math] (electron neutrinos per click), use electronn(elnpc), which increments the ELECTRON Neutrinos by the ELectron Neutrinos Per Click.

The (hopefully accurate) counter of [math]\displaystyle{ V_e / s }[/math] (electron neutrinos per second) can be found in the variable elnps and recalculated using updatePerSecond().


The class-ified implementation of electron buildings can be found under the name BuildingEN in buildinglib.js. The constructor contains 5 positional arguments:

  • price: the price of the building,
  • name: the display name of the building (shown to the user),
  • ps: the per-second gain of the building with 0 positrons,
  • rspot: the index of the building, which is auto-defined in jtopia.js.


The following list contains all of the methods contained and implemented in BuildingEN.

int count

The number of buildings owned globally by the player.

int initPrice

The starting price of the building, unaffected by any number of the building.

str name

The display name of the building that is shown to the player in places like the button name for purchasing the buildin g

str id

The camelCase-named identifier for the building. This ID should avoid abbreviating unless the building's name is subjectively "too long."

double ps

The amount this building provides per second, unbuffed by positrons.


The following list contains all of the methods implemented in BuildingEN.

void .buy(int n = 1)

Purchases the amount n (by default, 1) of an electron neutrino building, if you have the required electorn neutrinos.

void .interval()

Starts an interval to gain electron neutrinos per second. This is added to the intervals variable so that it can be cleared later.

void .buildUI(bool isModded = false)

Constructs the UI/purchase menu for this building. Note that isModded is not needed and should always be unset or false, but this is by default false.

void .refreshCount()

Refreshes this building's internal count for how many there are of this building. This affects the price calculated via an recursive function defined as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ p_{n+1} = \left \lfloor 1.25p_n \right \rfloor }[/math]

...where [math]\displaystyle{ p_{n+1} }[/math] is defined as the new price for this building after [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] buildings, [math]\displaystyle{ n }[/math] as the current number of buildings owned, [math]\displaystyle{ p_n }[/math] as the previous building price. [math]\displaystyle{ p_0 }[/math] is also defined as the initial price of the building, as this.price in code.

void .refreshIntervals()

refreshIntervals simply starts this.count intervals after refreshing the count using .refreshCount(). Note that this method does not restart current intervals, but instead starts new ones.